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To all of God's children, we welcome you.  It is a good thing to give thanks to God for all of the marvelous works He has done.  It is with great honor that we welcome you to the website of Lily of the Valley Deliverance Center.  As you browse this site, it is our hope that you find it highly informative and accommodating as we aim to meet your needs.  We hope that you will add us to your favorites, so that you can remain abreast of what the Lord is doing in Waverly, VA.  It is our desire that each and every one who visits this site will be compelled to wholeheartedly seek the face of God.  We also welcome you to come and worship with us, and we promise you will receive a special blessing, whether it is through a song, praise, or the spoken Word of God.  Thank you for visiting and God bless you.

A Brief History

     It all began in 1936 at Church of All Nations in Spring Grove, VA; Celester W. Vaughan was filled with the gift of the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2. He then became a faithful member of Church of All Nations traveling from Prince George to Spring Grove to worship and praise God.  In the year of 1941, he became a minister, preaching the word of Jesus Christ.  He was called to pastor in 1949, where he began a ministry that moved from home to home until they were able to began worship in a “storefront”  located in a place called “The Bottom”.  Some of the first members were Sister Roberta Robinson, Sister Elsie Drew, Sister Hanna Burgess, Sister Alice Everett, Sister Tosie Turner, Brother Joe Turner, Sister Adie Nicholson, and Sister Josie Edwards.  The church, as many recall, had no name. It was often called “the store front in the bottom!”  During the years of 1954-1955 God gave Pastor Vaughan a name for this place of worship, and it was to be called, “Lily of the Valley Holiness Church”.  The membership purchased land on Oak Street, and began construction of an edifice.  Under his leadership of 23 years many were baptized in Jesus’ name and accepted God’s power into their lives.

     On March 14, 1982, God in his infinite wisdom sent Pastor Vaughan’s angels to escort him from his earthly dwelling.  The work he started was continued by Evangelist Hanna Burgess and the faithful few and later continued to strengthen and grow under the Pastoral-ship of Elder David Shaw, Dr. Merlin Ford, Elder Lambert Tolbert, District Elder Robert Baker and Presently, Suffragan Bishop Marvin J. Drew, I.

     We at Lily of the Valley Deliverance Center, praise God for being able to celebrate many years of an Apostolic Heritage in Waverly.  We praise God for our fathers in the gospel who made priceless contributions to Lily of the Valley Deliverance Center’s glorious history.  The resounding apostolic doctrine preached and practiced during the early 1950’s is not at rest.

     Our church’s heritage continues in unceasing labor, love, dedication and temperament.  This is the bridge between our forefathers and us.  As we, together, catch the vision of God for this ministry in this new millennium, we are able to continue to spread the revelation of the truth to a perishing world.


      Today we continue moving forward as we recommit ourselves to God and our Church.

Meet Our Clergy & Staff


Bishop Marvin & Brenda Drew

Pastor and First Lady



 Elsie Epps



Minister Marvin Drew, II

Assistant Pastor



 Joyce Cooper

Financial Coordinator


Minister Charve' Drew



Sister Karmen Harrison

Graphic Designer


Dea. Michael & Karen Turner

Head of Hospitality


Sister Brenda Williams

Parks and Recreation Coordinator

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