Christmas Program - 2018
Christian Education
President: Sister Elsie Epps
How is your personal study time of The Holy Bible? Do you seek more than Sunday sermons? Our Christian educators provide a more intimate, relaxed setting to get to know others on this journey with Christ.
It is our mission to develop Christian disciples and missionaries that are both filled with the Spirit and led by the Spirit. We know that salvation and hope are not limited to a certain demographic or class, but both, through Christ's love, are intended for everyone.
Every Sunday at 9am, our leaders prepare breakfast as men, women, and youth come together to pray and fellowship. After breakfast, smaller casual groups are formed to share in the weekly study topic and scriptures. Usual classes are men, women, and youth; however, other groups are formed at the discretion of our leaders.
Tuesday evening Bible classes are 7-8:30pm weekly. Classes vary by age and are usually taught by our leadership team. Refreshments are generally prepared for youth classes.
Other weekly and monthly sessions are announced during congregation meetings and posted for those interested.
Come learn and grow with others. Become a disciple. Become stable and strong. Be encouraged. Be an encourager.
Note: If you are interested in becoming part of our leadership team please submit the following....